Product Description
Prepared by Fred Oberkircher, IALD, LC
The purpose of this program is to introduce the lighting practitioner to the basics of vision and color related to lighting.
Participants will be able to identify the elements of the visual system, including:
- Source
- Receiver
- Modifier
- Interpreter
- Analyze Visual Adaptation
- Describe Lighting Color Science
- Chromaticity
- Color Temperature
- Color Rendering
- Munsell Color System
- McAdam Ellipses
Suggested Invitees:
- Lighting Designers
- Contractors
- Architects
- Engineers
- Building Owners/Maintenance Staff
- Lighting Managements Company Staff
- Showroom and Sales Staff
- Other Interested Professionals
Instructor Materials include:
- PowerPoint Program, with Notes
- PowerPoint CD, with notes (Softcover only)
- PowerPoint Note Pages
- Seminar Quiz
- Seminar Quiz Answer Key
- IES Seminar-Related Administrative/Professional Development Program Material
Secure PDF: 97 pages / 5 files to download
Publisher: Illuminating Engineering Society (2012)
SKU: SEM-9-12-IM