Product Description
Prepared by Shoshanna A. Segal, IES, IALD, LC, LEED-AP
The purpose of this program is to gain an overview of the design process as it meets owner project requirements and energy codes. Learn how calculations aid design and document deliverables and how to work with design and construction teams.
Participants will be able to…
- Identify the goals of a quality lighting design
- Describe the process of lighting design
- Analyze the tools used to organize a lighting design
- Identify how a lighting design interfaces with the building team
Instructor Materials include:
- Background information
- Instructor’s Notes
- PowerPoint CD, with notes (Softcover only)
- Seminar Quiz/Answer Key
- IES Seminar-related administrative/professional development program material
Secure PDF: 132 pages / 6 files to download
Publisher: Illuminating Engineering Society (2012)
SKU: SEM-12-12-IM